Chemawa Indian School and McKay High School Youth Appreciation!

The Optimist Club of Salem met with students, faculty and guests from Chemawa Indian School and McKay High Schools  on March 6th to celebrate their students’ achievements.  We enjoyed another great meal at the Salem Keizer Career Technical Education Center (CTEC) and got to meet some more amazing students.  

Below are synopses of each student.

Chemawa Indian School

Four students were honored both for their individual accomplishments and for their contribution to the Chemawa Indian School community.  Only two were able to join us at our luncheon, but we heard about the accomplishments of all four students.

Teresa Shottanana-Ponce

Achievement in Leadership

Teresa is a senior who has shown exceptional leadership skills during her time at Chemawa Indian School.  She is not only the Student Body President but is also the Powwow Club secretary and manages the school’s coffee bar.  Teresa is from the Kootenai Tribe in Bonners Ferry, Idaho.

After graduating in May, Teresa is planning to go to the University of Montana.  While she is considering several different areas of study such as environmental, social work and nursing, they all have the common goal of serving others.

Shaynice Moss

Achievement in Performing Arts

Shaynice is a Junior who was elected by her fellow students to serve as the Chemawa Indian School Ambassador.  In her role as Ambassador, Shaynice is called upon to represent her school at events and in the general public.  This includes giving speeches and participating in talent shows and traditional dances.  She is a dedicated representative of her school who has been described as “growing her presentational and public speaking skills every day!”   Shaynice is from the Arapaho Tribe in Wyoming.

After graduating from Chemawa Indian School, Shaynice plans to go to college with the goal of becoming a lawyer.

Richelle Sipray

Achievement in Mathematics & Science

Richelle is a Junior at Chemawa Indian School.  She is a very motivated and gifted learner who excels in STEM studies (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).  Richelle comes to Chemawa Indian School from St. Mary’s, Alaska.  

Richelle was not able to attend our luncheon, so we want to congratulate her for her accomplishments and wish her continued success in her Senior Year and in whatever she chooses to do after graduation. 

Clinton Longtree, Jr.

Outstanding Achievement in Academics

Clinton is from Montana and is very proud of his achievements at Chemawa Indian School and is very thankful for all the staff who support and care for him.  After graduating in May, he is planning on attending either a tribal college or university.  Like Richelle, Clinton was not able to join us at our luncheon.  We want to congratulate him and wish him the very best in his future plans.

McKay High School

All three of the McKay High School students being honored were described as positive role models who have shown leadership, a hard work ethic, and compassion and support for others.

Edgar Duran Alvarez

Achievement in Mathematics

Edgar is a Senior at McKay who is being recognized for not only his accomplishments in the classroom but also for his positive attitude and his support and concern for others.  He is performing well in Advanced Placement Calculus and earning college credits while still in high school.  He is also a peer mentor for students in Algebra II, helping them understand math concepts as well as the importance of good study habits.  Edgar’s math teachers noted that while he has grown significantly as a student, he isn’t complacent about his work.  He is always striving to improve.  Edgar mentioned that the enjoyment and sense of accomplishment he gets from his math classes is more than just mastering concepts and formulas.  He really appreciates the mental challenges that these classes offer him, which is the reason his teachers pointed out that it is his ability to view challenges as growth opportunities that will benefit him throughout his life.

After graduation, Edgar plans to continue his studies at Chemeketa and then Oregon State University before moving on to pursue his goal of becoming a pediatrician.

Kanjana (KJ) Kosol

Most Involved in Community Service

Kanjana or KJ is only a Junior at McKay which is hard to believe considering all he has already accomplished.  For the past two years, KJ has served as his class President and in that role has been responsible for organizing a number of culture building events for the students and staff.  As a newly inducted member of the National Honor Society, he has increased the number of hours spent volunteering through school events as well as in the community through events like Magic at the Mill and projects that help provide resources and food to families in need throughout our community.  But his accomplishments don’t end there.  This year he is taking and excelling in a full load of AP classes.  He is actively involved in the performing arts program at McKay, where he leads their percussion section (they won district this year), plays guitar in the Jazz band and is a member of the Concert Choir.  His only comment when asked how he manages to find time for all this was that he really enjoys everything he is doing!

After another year at McKay, KJ plans to attend a California University and then go to medical school with the goal of becoming an Ophthalmologist.

Robin Dees

Achievement in Fine & Performing Arts

Robin came to the theatre unsure of what to expect but has blossomed into somebody that has shown loyalty, tenacity, and leadership.  Through his hard work ethic, he has gained the admiration of both students and teachers.  Throughout his time in the theatre department his ability to grow as a designer and technician (sound and costume) has been noticed and appreciated by those in the department.  He has worked hard in every production he has been part of and will be a great Stage Manager for McKay’s Spring show.

Robin was not able to join us for lunch, but we enjoyed hearing about his accomplishments and are confident that he will be successful in whatever his plans for the future include.

Award Photos

McKay High School Students

Chemawa Indian School Students

Group Photo of all of our honored students